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Anita D, UK

This is a memorable story that had me reflecting on the purpose of our human lives. It's one of those books that, once you reach the end, you feel slightly bereft and wondering, “How on earth can I follow that?” The opening and early chapters weren't in any way spiritual – in fact the characters seemed tense, unhappy or unfulfilled. As the story got into full flow I was captivated by the way it honours family love and the sacrifices so often made in secret.

Three-quarters of the way through the book I realised how appropriate the title is: I had wondered about its significance when I was offered an advance review copy. Here are characters that you will love and want the best for. The ending is surprising, a little shocking, but I found it moving. Forgiveness and love are things we may struggle with and this wonderful story reminds us there are many kinds of love: romantic love, family love, enduring love, love that goes wrong, all bound up with sacrifice and forgiveness.

The description of a near-death experience was so beautifully done I felt the author must have knowledge of one herself – either personally or from someone close. It moved me and still haunts me. Love and Mercy is not an obviously spiritual book but one that made me think about my own spirituality, my soul's purpose and how good can come out of the bleakest circumstances. It is a wholesome plot with no profanity, violence or sex and if you enjoy family and relationship stories with depth, it's a must read. I received a free advance copy of this book and am leaving this review voluntarily.

Lynn H

Lots of twists and turns. Ingrid writes about the human condition - not always pretty - heart wrenching at times, funny at times, warm and cozy at times. Her strong characters are believable. I found it hard to put down. A must read! 


The story in the book reminded me so much of what I think of as life in that the characters experienced and the storyline portrayed the many highs and lows, love and hate, new beginnings, sad endings, joy, sorrow and even death that we know define us as human beings. The book is a focus on what people will do when facing difficult choices and coming to terms with all that encompasses being a parent, falling in love, and facing what one feels are difficult decisions.

Olivia - Book Sirens

I just finished this book and would like everyone to take some time to read it. While this book is a work of fiction, it has it's basis in true human experiences and that is what makes it such an important read. Having dealt with aging parents and neighbors, I can see where this book would and should make families think about their own life and life altering situations and do something about them before it's too late.

I enjoyed this book immensely and would highly recommend it to everyone!


I have added Ms. Deringer to my list of favorite authors and am pleased to recommend her work to friends and family. She writes a smooth, meaningful tale with soul.

LAwonder10 - Rockin Book Reviews


This is an excellent book for Book Club discussions. It offers several topics for discussion, ones that need answers.

The Book Cover image Is simple but attractive and quite eye-catching. The Tile chosen is very fitting. The characters are very realistic and the scenes are portrayed well.


For Love and Mercy is the first book I have read by the talented author, C Ingrid Deringer. After reading this one, it will not be the last. I thought it was a great read. At first, it took me the first few chapters to catch on as to what was going on. Once I did, I was hooked. I had to keep going to see which direction the author was going to take the characters. I never knew what would happen from chapter to chapter. I found it interesting to see how the story spans the past, present and future. There was a lot that keep me engaged and focused on within the pages. There was history, mystery, suspense, action, adventure and intrigue. I loved the author’s writing style and impressed on how their imagination was able to come up with a unique story. I thought it was a great tale to read.

I am going to give For Love and Mercy a very well deserved five plus stars. I believe readers who enjoy reading historical and present suspense will definitely want to pick this one up. It is worth a read and not to be missed. I will be looking for more releases written by C Ingrid Deringer in the future. I would love to see more like this one. 

I received a paperback copy of For Love and Mercy from the publisher, but was not required to write a positive review. This review is one hundred percent my own honest opinion.

Splashes of Joy Book Reviews

This interesting and descriptive story takes place in the early 1940’s through to 2026, and is set in several different areas, the Saskatchewan prairies, Olympia, Greece, and Canada’s West Coast. I really enjoyed traveling with the characters to each of these beautiful places. For Love and Mercy is a powerful story that will tug at my heart for a very long time.

I don’t know why but when I saw this book cover, I didn’t think so much about this being a family book. Don’t get me wrong the cover is stunning, a cover that I would go for first in a bookstore. For Love and Mercy is such a beautifully written story, a story that is so realistic it seems almost impossible that it’s fiction. With all of the twists and turns, it is surprising where the story takes us at times. Writing about all of the ups and downs, the issues of the human life isn’t always an easy task. Through her unique and realistic characters, Ms. Deringer takes readers through lots of different emotions, sometimes it was difficult for me to keep reading, other times I couldn’t put the book down. There was some hide humor sprinkled through that was enjoyable. All in all this is a really good read. I give For Love and Mercy Five Stars. This is a book that everyone should read. It is really that good!!


For Love & Mercy Bridges Genre for a Unique Storyline. This novel reads like a non-fiction memoir or autobiography--which is the purpose of Dr. Hera's writings in the plot. As she tells her story, she delves into the past and her mother's story as well. This story, combining elements of historical fiction and romance with a feeling of mystery, suspense, and true crime, submerges readers into a family drama spanning decades.

Deringer Creates a Realistic Story for Readers. The author creates a fictional story that is so believable, relatable, and heart-tugging that it feels authentic. I actually checked more than once to see if this was a true story--if the author was Dr. Stormy Hera--if the events were actual. The author's storytelling pulls readers in immediately and holds them well beyond the last page with some thought-provoking dialogue, memories, and scenes.

Would I Recommend For Love & Mercy by C. Ingrid Deringer? My readers know I love memoirs, life stories, and mystery/crime novels. This book was the perfect blend of fiction and reality to make it an intriguing and believable family drama. I loved the author's storytelling and writing style--so much so that I need to seek out more of her books. This novel is a wonderful story of love, life, choices, consequences, near-death experiences, and loss. I recommend this to fans of historical romance novels and fictionalized memoirs. 

I received a copy of this book for use in a blog review. All opinions are my own.

Pat, TN

Wow! I loved this book! The way it was written was so unique. I couldn't put it down. Can't wait to read more of Ingrid's work. 


I have added Ms. Deringer to my list of favorite authors and am pleased to recommend her work to friends and family. She writes a smooth, meaningful tale with soul.

LAwonder10 - Rockin Book Reviews


This is an excellent book for Book Club discussions. It offers several topics for discussion, ones that need answers.

The Book Cover image Is simple but attractive and quite eye-catching. The Tile chosen is very fitting. The characters are very realistic and the scenes are portrayed well.

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